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March 28, 2025
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Hazardous Spill File
6500 gallons of milk released in the Walhonding River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
1000 gallons of contaminated water released in the Tuscarawas River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
4258027 gallons of storm water released in the Ashtabula Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
2000 gallons of brine oil released in the Ohio Brush Whiteoak

Hazardous Spill File
100 gallons of diesel released in the Tuscarawas River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Human sewage released into the Great Miami River in the Upper Great Miami Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
1800 lbs of Styrene Monomer released in the Grand River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
100 gallons of human sewage discharged into the Ohio River in the Upper Ohio Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Release of human sewage impacts Canton Township in the Tuscarawas Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
2000 gallons of brine oil and diesel released in Tuscarawas Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Diesel and hydraulic oil released from a vehicle onto the road in Auglaize Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Green material released into unnamed creek in Upper Great Miami Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
8400 gallons of wastewater released in Cuyahoga Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Lithium release in Franklin County in the Upper Scioto Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
2100 gallons of brine oil released in Tuscarawas Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Diesel spills impacting pavement following car accidents

Hazardous Spill File
7 waterbodies impacted by spills over the last several days

Hazardous Spill File
3 creeks impacted with spills

Hazardous Spill File
100 gallons of diesel fuel released in the Huron Vermilion Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Tanker Truck rollover releases 4000 gallons of milk, impact to South Fork Sugar Creek

Hazardous Spill File
4000 gallons of milk released into South Fork Sugar Creek in Tuscarawas Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
4000 gallons of milk released into South Fork Sugar Creek in Tuscarawas Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Grey material reported to be floating in Holes Creek in Lower Great Miami Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Manure release in Auglaize Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Butadiene released in Tuscarawas Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Asphalt released in Upper Great Miami Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Blue material and urea spilled in Lower Scioto River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
3900 gallons of cooking grease spilled in the Huron Vermillion Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Grand River impacted by white material in the Grand River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Human sewage spilled in Lower Great Miami Watershed

Hazardous Spill File

Human sewage spilled in Lower Great Miami Watershed

OH Spills May24 24
OH Spills May23 24
OH Spills May21 24
OH Spills May20 24
OH Spills May17 24
OH Spills May10 24
OH Spills May6 24
OH Spills Apr29 24
OH Spills April24 24
OH Spills Apr16 24
OH Spills Apr11 24
OH Spills Apr7 24
OH Spills March29 24
OH Spills March28 24
OH Spills March25 24
OH Spills March18 24
OH Spills March12 24
OH Spills March 8 24
OH Spills March4 24

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