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October 26, 2024 1150 am EDT
Extreme low flows in Mad River, Maumee River, Tuscarawas and Ohio Rivers
Streamflow Situation from the network of USGS monitors in Ohio
Sunny Saturday with a high 58, no hazardous weather in sight for the Cleveland area. The streamflow dashboard is dominated with much below seasonal normal water levesl statewide, a bit of relief coming in to the upper drainage basins of the west and west central surface area contributing to the Ohio River. Upper Great Miami and Upper Scioto Rivers are gathering seasonal normal water levels from the northernmost 1000 square miles of their drainage basins. Much below seasonal levels continue through the Lake Erie side of the drainage divide, the south west, south central and southeast. Severe drought continues to grip the southeast from the central Muskingum River basin to the Ohio River. Severe drought rating remains for all of the Walhonding, Muskingum River, Wills Creek and Little Muskingum River watersheds into the weekend, along with adjacent Ohio River minor tributaries Wheeling Creek, and Shade River watersheds, also in severe hydrologic drought.
On the north side of the divide, Lake Erie west drainage area's Auglaize and Lower Maumee River watersheds remain in moderate drought with adjacent Upper Maumee, St Josephs and Cedar Portage River watersheds below normal. To the east, Huron-Vermilion River watersheds have dipped below normal. Rated below normal on the Mississippi River side of the divide, Upper Great Miami and Little Miami River watersheds run below normal on the drought map, adjacent Paint Creek watershed of the Scioto River basin is again below normal, as is Upper Scioto River watershed. Much of the Muskingum River basin is on the drought map, if not in severe drought then below normal, including Tuscarawas and Hocking River watersheds. Ohio River minor tributaries Shenango in the northeast, Little Beaver Creek, Raccoon-Symmes and Laughery are rated below normal. As of this report there are no floods or high flows, four 1st percentile extreme low-rated flows appear all over the map from Mad River to Ohio River to Maumee River to Tuscarawas River with several more low flows above the first percentile. It is DRY.
WT HAB Tracker from the satellite monitoring program of the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science(NCCOS)
The latest upload from NCCOS was captured Oct 24 at surface wind speed 9.9 mph. The image is completely clear revealing localized shoreline HABs in Maumee Bay and the Ohio shoreline at low concentration, less than 100 thousand cells per ml. Sandusky Bay presents with dispersed HABs at 400 thousand cells per ml, down in concentration from the previous image Oct 23. Dense open water HAB mass sits off the east shore of Catawba Island around Marble Head, runs across the mouth of Sandusky Bay outside Cedar Point and down the shoreline to Vermilion-on-the-Lake, the band approximately 2 nm wide and low concentration, 100 thousand cells per ml.
See the latest NCCOS image, here.