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October 25, 2024 1150 am EDT

Severe drought expanding east central and southeast Ohio

Streamflow Situation from the network of USGS monitors in Ohio

Cloudy and cool with a slight chance of showers today for the Cleveland area, high 66. Friday streamflows are below seasonal normal statewide, much below normal ratings are common through all watersheds with half a dozen stations reporting low water levels, including two record lows for this date. On the Ohio-Mississippi side of the drainage divide, severe drought has taken more territory, extending out of the Muskingum River basin into the Ohio River minor tributaries. Severe drought conditions apply to Wheeling Creek, Little Muskingum River and Shade River watersheds, joining the Walhonding, Muskingum River and Wills Creek watersheds with severe hydrologic drought. On the north side of the divide, Lake Erie west drainage area's Auglaize and Upper Maumee River watersheds have improved overnight, from severe to moderate drought. Hocking River, Raccoon-Symmes remain below normal, matching Upper Scioto and Paint Creek watersheds of central Ohio. To the west side, no change, Upper Great Miami and Little Miami River watersheds are still rated below normal. As of this report there are no high flows.

WT HAB Tracker
from the satellite monitoring program of the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science(NCCOS)

The latest upload from NCCOS was captured Oct 24 at surface wind speed 9.9 mph. The image is completely clear revealing localized shoreline HABs in Maumee Bay and the Ohio shoreline at low concentration, less than 100 thousand cells per ml. Sandusky Bay presents with dispersed HABs at 400 thousand cells per ml, down in concentration from the previous image Oct 23. Dense open water HAB mass sits off the east shore of Catawba Island around Marble Head, runs across the mouth of Sandusky Bay outside Cedar Point and down the shoreline to Vermilion-on-the-Lake, the band approximately 2 nm wide and low concentration, 100 thousand cells per ml.

See the latest NCCOS image, here.

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