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August 21, 2024 158 pm EDT

Ohio HAB Tracker
from National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) satellite monitoring program
Lake Erie HAB update

The latest satellite image of Lake Erie West basin was captured August 20 at high wind speed, 8.8 mph, partially cloud obscured with enough of the HAB visible to comment on the extent and concentration.

The following observations are based on the image from August 20 unless otherwise noted:
  • North Maumee Bay widespread HAB 1 to 2 million cells per 100 ml
  • Toledo - Maumee Bay widespread HAB extending from Maumee River through the bay into Lake Erie at 1 to 2 million cells per 100 ml
  • Maumee Bay State Park widespread HAB block extends the full shoreline and 10 nm into open water 1 to 2 million cells per 100 ml
  • Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge cloud obscured
  • Reno Beach cloud obscured
  • Metzger Marsh Wildlife Area widespread HAB extending 10 nm from shore 1 to 2 million cells at shore
  • Magee Marsh Wildlife Area widespread HAB extending 10 nm from shore 1 to 2 million cells at shore
  • Toussaint River outlet no HABs observed between clouds
  • Camp Perry no HABs visible between clouds
  • Port Clinton widespread HAB along shore extending 2 to 3 nm at 800 thousand to 1 million cells per 100 ml
  • Catawba Island widespread HAB east side marina 1 to 2 million cells per 100 ml
  • Kelleys Island widespread HABs encompassing the island 300 thousand cells per 100 ml
  • South Bass Island widespread HABs encompassing the island 300 thousand cells per 100 ml
  • Middle Bass Island widespread HABs encompassing the island 300 thousand cells per 100 ml
  • Isle St George no HAB activity
Sandusky Bay:
  • Muddy Creek Bay - no HAB activity
  • Pickerel Point to Bayview/Route 269 - dispersed open water HABs fill the inner bay area 700 thousand cells per 100 ml
  • Bay View/Route 269 toward Cedar Point - dispersed open water HABs 700 thousand cells per 100 ml
  • Cedar Point - band of HAB 2 nm off shore 500 thousand cells per 100 ml
Lake Erie east of Sandusky Bay band of dense HAB extends east from Cedar Point beyond Huron River outlet in a block from shore reaching 3 to 7 nm into open water 300 thousand cells per 100 ml

Composited Cyanobacteria Index as reported by National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, a visual scale based on true color imagery from the Copernicus- Sentinel 3a satellite of the EUMETSAT Note: Winds above 4.0 mph may begin mixing the bloom and clouds may obscure it, leading to an underestimate of the area. Moderate and low concentrations may not be obvious to the eye.

Beach Advisories from Department of Health

Thirty-six beach advisories are listed midweek, including two Lake Erie State Parks with algal toxin advisories issued this week, nineteen Lake Erie beaches are listed for high bacteria advisories along with New Richmond Boat Launch on the Ohio River. Grand Lake permanent algal toxin advisories remain on four beaches with new lab test results posted from last week's samples.

Ohio Department of Health posts advisories based on updated lab test results with e.coli levels above 235 ug/L, or based on predictive modeling. Beach advisories based on predictive modeling may display e.coli test results well below the threshold 235 ug/L.

The following list are the beaches with active Recreational Public Health Advisories:

Bacteria Contamination Advisory High Bacteria Level confirmed by lab testing
Lake Erie Beaches
  • Nickel Plate Beach - Erie County
  • Lake Front Beach - Erie County
  • Noble Beach - Cuyahoga County
  • Whites Landing - Erie County
  • Lakeside - Erie County
  • Moss Point - Erie County
  • Royal Acres - Erie County
  • Beachfront Resort, LLC - Ottawa County
  • Arcadia Beach- Cuyahoga County
  • Old Woman Creek Beach - Erie County
  • Cedar Point Chausee - Erie County
  • Main Street Beach - Erie County
  • Sims Beach - Cuyahoga County
  • Sherod Park Beach - Erie County
  • Headlands State Park - Lake County
  • Villa Angela State Park - Cuyahoga County
  • Euclid State Park - Cuyahoga County
  • Utopia Beach - Cuyahoga County
  • Bay View West - Erie County
  • Columbia Park Beach - Cuyahoga County
  • Lakeshore - Ashtabula County
  • Wagar Beach - Cuyahoga County
  • Clarkwood Beach - Cuyahoga County
  • Edgecliff Beach - Cuyahoga County
  • Port Clinton - Deep/Lakeview - Ottawa County
  • Conneaut Beach - Ashtabula County
  • Darby Creek - Erie County
  • Maumee Bay State Park - Lucas County
  • Fairport Beach - Lake County
  • Geneva Beach - Ashtabula County

Interior Ohio Beach Advisories
  • New Richmond Boat Ramp - Clermont
Algal Toxin Advisories
  • Maumee Bay State Park (Erie) - Lucas County - advisory issued 942 am Aug 19, 2024 for microcystins 50 ug/L sampled on August 13
  • South Bass Island State Park - Ottawa County - advisory issued 944 am Aug 19, 2024 for microcystins 35.6 ug/L sampled on August 14
  • Grand Lake - St Marys - Windy Point - Recreational Public Health Advisory - Algal bloom-toxin issued May 23, 2024 Aug 12 microcystins 18.6 ug/L
  • Grand Lake - Main West Beach - Recreational Public Health Advisory - Algal bloom-toxin issued May 23, 2024 Aug 12 microcystins 19 ug/L up from 12.9 ug/L July 23
  • Grand Lake - St. Mary's Camp - Recreational Public Health Advisory - Algal bloom-toxin issued May 23, 2024, August 12 microcystins 25.8 ug/L
  • Grand Lake - St Marys - Main East - Recreational Public Health Advisory - Algal bloom-toxin issued June 5, 2024 Aug 12 microcystins 28.2 ug/L
Note the US EPA Health Advisories safe limit for microcystins in recreational water 8 ug/L; OEPA safe limit for drinking water sources .3 ug/L for children under 6, 1.6 ug/L for older children and adults

Removed from the active advisory list:
  • Camp Perry - Ottawa County - advisory issued 940 am Aug 9, 2024 for e.coli 435.2 cfu per 100 ml measured Aug 12
  • Pickerel Creek - Erie County
  • Bay View East - Erie County
  • Orchard Park Beach - Erie County
  • Clifton Beach - Cuyahoga County
  • Sawmill Beach - Erie County
  • Lakeview Beach - Lorain County
  • Huntington Beach - Erie County
  • Beulah Beach - Erie County
  • Pipe Creek Wildlife Area - Erie County
  • Community Park Beach - Lorain County
Ohio BeachGuard is a public facing app displaying active advisories for recreational water bodies, including high bacteria advisories and toxic algae advisories. Sampling is done by County Health, water utilities or Ohio Department of Natural Resources with advisories issued and lab test results reported by the Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency oversees standard testing of raw water sources for bacterial and cyanotoxin levels in water to be treated for drinking. OEPA and ODNR, Ohio DOH publish test results for drinking water and recreational water separately, even on the same water body. WT tracks bacterial and cyanotoxin values from both the recreational BeachGuard and Ohio Drinking Water Watch.

Toxic algae advisories indicate avoid all contact with the water. Algal toxins have been found at unsafe levels. Swimming and wading are not recommended. Keep pets away.

For more information check Ohio State resources here
or call 1-866-644-6224

Western Basin Lake Erie National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
HABS Hazardous Algae Blooms
Get informed and stay safe around the water this summer
WaterToday collects algal bloom monitoring information from state and federal agencies including but not limited to the CDC, EPA, NOAA and state public health authorities.
HABs alerts are posted on our state maps according to the best available information reported by citizen groups, universities, state and/or federal monitoring agencies.
Before you head out to the beach, pond or stream, check with local authorities to confirm the latest HABs conditions.
Consider carrying a rapid test kit for micro-cystin, the most common of the cyanobacteria toxins.

Sources for algal bloom data:
National Centres for Coastal Ocean Science
A department of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NCCOS provides harmful algal bloom forecasting for certain water bodies and regions including:
 West Basin Lake Erie https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/science-areas/habs/hab-monitoring-system/cyanobacteria-algal-bloom-from-satellite-in-western-lake-erie-basin/
Lake Pontchartrain  https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/science-areas/habs/hab-monitoring-system/cyanobacteria-algal-bloom-from-satellite-in-lake-pontchartrain-la/

The forecasting is based on true color imagery provided by OLCI sensors on Copernicus Sentinel-3a satellite of the EUMETSAT group

Environmental Protection Agency Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN)
The mission of the CyAN project is to support the environmental management and public use of U.S. lakes and estuaries by providing a useful and accessible approach to detecting and quantifying algal blooms and related water quality using satellite data records. 
What is CyAN:  Mobile and web-based application for cyanobacteria monitoring
How does it work?  Users can enter the coordinates or name of local water bodies for monitoring information. 
The CyAN project officially started October 1, 2015. It provided continental U.S. coverage using the
Envisat MERIS archive from 2002-2012
Sign up here: https://www.epa.gov/water-research/cyanobacteria-assessment-network-application-cyan-app

Centers for Disease Control

Environmental Public Health Tracking provides data and information on health outcomes, the environment, population, and exposures, including hazardous algal blooms occurring in water bodies of the USA, both freshwater and marine.

CDC Public Notice on Hazardous Algae Blooms
It is not possible to know if a large growth, or bloom, of algae or cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae) is harmful just by looking at it. Some blooms make toxins (poisons), which can still be in the water even when you can’t see a bloom. Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful algae and cyanobacteria, what to do if you or a pet is exposed to them, and how to help prevent these blooms.

Swimming and Wading:  Stay out of water with a bloom, rinse off if you or your pets are in contact with water
If you see signs of a bloom, stay out of the water and keep your pets out of the water. Do not fish, swim, boat, or play water sports in areas where this is possible harmful algae or cyanobacteria.
Do not go into or play in water that:

  • Smells bad
  • Looks discolored
  • Has foam, scum, algal mats, or paint-like streaks on the surface
  • Has dead fish or other animals washed up on its shore or beach
Protect your pets and livestock from getting sick by keeping them away from water with possible harmful algae or cyanobacteria. Do not let animals:
  • Get in the water
  • Drink the water
  • Lick or eat mats of cyanobacteria or algae
  • Eat or graze near the water
  • Eat dead fish or other animals on the shore
  • Go on the beach or shoreline
If you or your pets do go in water that may have a bloom, rinse yourself and your pets immediately afterward with tap water from a sink, shower, hose, or outdoor spigot. Do not let pets lick their fur until they have been rinsed. Pets may have harmful algae, cyanobacteria, or related toxins on their fur if they swim or play in water with a bloom.
Do not fill pools with water directly from lakes, rivers, or ponds. The water could contain algal or cyanobacterial toxins or unsafe levels of germs.

Drinking Water:
Follow local guidance about toxins in tap water If you are notified of cyanobacteria or their toxins in your public drinking water supply, follow guidance from your local or state government or water utility to reduce the chances of you or your animals getting sick.
Harmful cyanobacteria may grow in water bodies that supply tap water. Although many water treatment plants can remove these toxins, tap water can be contaminated in certain situations. Cyanobacteria can also produce substances that are not harmful, but can change the taste or smell of tap water.
If you have concerns about the appearance, smell, or taste of tap water that you are using, contact your water utility or health department. Consider using bottled water for drinking and cooking until the problem is resolved.
Don’t boil water contaminated with toxins. Boiling water does not remove toxins and can concentrate the toxin.

Fish and shellfish:
Be aware of advisories and health risks related to eating contaminated fish and shellfish
Avoid eating very large reef fish (such as grouper or amberjack), especially the head, gut, liver, or roe (eggs). Large reef fish may be contaminated with ciguatoxin, the algal toxin that causes ciguatera fish poisoning. See the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance for more information on reef fish associated with unsafe levels of toxins.
Check for and follow local shellfish and fish advisories before eating any fish or shellfish you collect yourself. Algal and cyanobacterial toxins in fish or shellfish have no taste or odor. Cooking or preserving food does not remove toxins. Thus, you cannot tell if the seafood is safe by just looking at, smelling, or tasting it.

  • Check to see if shellfish beds are closed. State shellfish control authorities (usually state health departments or other state agencies) are required to control for toxins where harmful algal blooms are likely to occur and toxins could build up in shellfish. Common ways state authorities control for algal toxins include routine monitoring for toxic algae or shellfish and testing shellfish for toxins before or after harvesting. If levels of toxins are unsafe, state authorities will close the area for shellfish harvesting until shellfish are safe to eat.
  • Check safety advisories from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Fish and Shellfish Advisories and Safe Eating Guidelines website.

Report any concerns to your local public health authorities.

EPA notice to the public on harmful algae
Harmful algal blooms can be green, blue, red or brown. They can be scummy or look like paint on the surface of the water.
What are harmful algal blooms?
Harmful algal blooms are overgrowths of algae in water. Some produce dangerous toxins in fresh or marine water but even nontoxic blooms hurt the environment and local economies.
What are the effects of harmful algal blooms?
Harmful algal blooms can:

  • Produce extremely dangerous toxins that can sicken or kill people and animals
  • Create dead zones in the water
  • Raise treatment costs for drinking water
  • Hurt industries that depend on clean water

The EPA has a role in enforcing environmental protection regulations to limit discharges into water bodies that contribute to the growth of harmful algal blooms.
The EPA also maintains list of Impaired Water Bodies by state, those water bodies that are not supporting their ideal uses for recreation, including swimming, fishing and wading.  The EPA works with state authorities to identify water bodies that are not supporting their intended recreational uses, to set daily maximum loads for contaminants and nutrient load for impaired water bodies.  The EPA works with state and other federal agencies to investigate and prosecute violations of the Clean Water Act, with a role in ordering watershed plans that limit discharges to these water bodies to allow for recovery.

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