WT Staff
Monday, June 10, 2024
PWS algal toxin testing season underway
June 10, 2024 updated 1203 pm EDT
HABS Tracker - Public Beach Advisories
Four Recreational Public Health Advisories for algal toxin remain on the schedule, all four of these apply to Grand Lake, also a source of raw drinking water for Celina City Public Water System. Mandatory sampling and algal toxin testing is underway as of June 2, results posted for Grand Lake exceed the established action levels for microcystins, forty four times the action level for sensitive persons. Test results posted for Grand Lake to the end of June 8 are 13.2 micrograms per liter. The action level for children under 6 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers, those receiving dialysis treatment and those with pre-existing liver conditions is 0.3 ug/L. 1.6 ug/L is the action level for the general population. Testing for drinking water and recreational water are undertaken by different state departments. WTOH.us posts both categories of results here. Twenty-one recreational public health advisories are active Monday morning for high bacteria levels on public beaches. See the HAB Tracker report here for details, updates are in progress.
Nineteen Lake Erie beaches on the Recreational Public Health Advisory list Monday, updates in progress, more to follow.
Current Streamflow Situation
USGS Waterwatch is experiencing a data glitch this morning, the streamflow gauges for the Lake Erie basin appear to be offline. Streamflows in the Ohio River basin trend seasonal normal. More to follow.
WT USA Flows and Flood Tracker provisional data from the network of USGS streamflow monitors
Sixty-seven flood events are recorded on the USGS network Monday, down from seventy Sunday. WT USA tracks twelve of these reference flood events through our coverage area in New York, Ohio, Georgia and Louisiana. At the writing of this report, all active flood sites are located in Louisiana.
Louisiana: No change to the flood dashboard overnight, the same twelve stations are recording out of the channel for at least minor flood stage, in some cases moderate flood stage. Watershed Region 7 Pearl River is the latest flood event on the board, still flooding the east border near Bogalusa, the water level there has not changed much in twenty four hours, up slightly to nine plus inches out of the channel. Northwest Region 1 watershed same stations flooding including Caddo Lake and Bayou Bodcau Lake flooding near Mooringsport and Shreveport, respectively. Bayou Dorcheat continues to flood near Springhill and downstream Minden. Region 2 Little River is recorded an inch above the channel near Rochelle. Considering latency in the data upload, this flood may be over as we write. Region 4 west border Sabine River drains a large area of Texas, still flooding near Logansport, Burkeville, Bon Wier and Ruliff. The east side of Region 4 watershed Calcasieu River is flooding near Glenmora and Oberlin. Twelvemile Bayou is still running above 99th percentile near Dixie with no flood stage to reference. Sabine River is above 99th percentile at Toledo Bend Reservoir near Burkeville with no flood stage documented. For more information on the flood trend in Louisiana, see black tags indicating flood flow volume and gauge height, blue tags for 99th percentile flows, updated daily here.
As many drinking water facilities are supplied from surface water reservoirs, the streamflow situation is pertinent to both drinking water supply and quality. High flows can stir up sediment and cause turbidity in the reservoirs, requiring additional treatments to render the water potable. Low flow volume is linked to warmer temperatures in the reservoir and can be an issue for water quality where HABs are present. WT tracks streamflow trends with an eye to the impacts on drinking water supply and quality in each of the state's watersheds. Check the watershed layer on the map to see the direction of flow and streamflows that may be impacting drinking water today.
USGS Provisional Data Statement
Data are provisional and subject to revision until they have been thoroughly reviewed and received final approval. Current condition data relayed by satellite or other telemetry are automatically screened to not display improbable values until they can be verified.
Provisional data may be inaccurate due to instrument malfunctions or physical changes at the measurement site. Subsequent review based on field inspections and measurements may result in significant revisions to the data.
Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate uses of these data or concerning other hydrologic data may be obtained from the USGS.