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September 16, 2024
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WT Staff

August 22, 2024 1051 am EDT

Severe drought in Muskingum River basin

Low streamflows through central Ohio Thursday include a 1st percentile flow in Rocky Fork near Barretts Mills, Wheeling Creek running 2nd percentile below Blaine and Salt Creek near Chandlersville. An area of severe drought is marked over the Wills Creek watershed, adjacent area in Little Muskingum River watershed and Ohio River minor tributary Shade River are in moderate drought.

WT HAB Tracker
from the satellite monitoring program of the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science(NCCOS) and State sources where available

Lake Erie west basin
The latest satellite image of Lake Erie West basin was captured August 21 at wind speed, 16.1 mph, a clear image of the lakewide HAB in the west basin. The extent of the bloom has increased since the last fully clear image taken a week prior. The current image shows the HAB extends north of the international border.

HAB concentration is high, hot spots in Maumee Bay at Toledo 1 to 2 million cells, Maumee Bay State Park presents 1 to 3 million cells up to an including Cedar Point. Magee Marsh Wildlife Area another hot spot up to 2 million along the shoreline. The majority of the bloom is now running at extreme high concentration above a million cells per 100 ml. Sandusky Bay HAB is lakewide in the water west of OH-269 at around 700 thousand cells per 100 ml, the bluegreen occupying the water just east of OH-269 at the same concentration. See the NCCOS images here.

New York
From the NYS DEC notifications center, one hundred and thirty-two harmful algal blooms light up the active HAB dashboard Thursday morning, down from 135 yesterday. First confirmed HABs of the season have been confirmed in Brown's Lake and Onondaga Lake. See the impacted water bodies list here, updates are in progress as new reports are confirmed and added to the notifications board.

The last image of Lake Champlain HAB was snapped Aug 18 at unknown wind speed. In this capture we see slip of the widespread HAB in northeast Baie Missisquoi between clouds, the concentration rated high appears around 600 thousand cells per 100 ml. The last completely clear image was acquired August 14, the concentration range from 1 to 3 million cells per 100 ml. See our NY HAB report for more details here.

Louisiana: Lac des Allemands and Bayou Fortier have caught up with Lake Fields in the last twenty-four hours in terms of the extreme high concentrations developing in these water bodies over the last week. In this latest upload from the NCCOS dated August 21, taken at wind speed 11.5 mph, shows the hot spots 4 to 5 million cells now filling these water bodies from shore to shore. Lakes Verret and Palourde lakewide HABs also high concentration, 800 to 900 thousand cells per 100 ml. Check out the latest satellite image from NCCOS here.

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