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April 13, 2024

Active flooding:
11 streamflow gauge reporting above flood stage including: updates in progress, more to follow

Lake Erie basin:
  • Maumee River is flooding at Waterville
  • Tiffin River is flooding at Stryker
  • Auglaize River is flooding at Fort Jennings

  • Ohio/Mississippi basin
    • Eagle Creek is flooding at Phalanx Station
    • Killbuck Creek is flooding at Killbuck
    • Ohio River is flooding at New Cumberland lock and Dam, at Pike Island lock and dam, at Wheeling, at Marietta, and at Point Pleasant,WV
    • Scioto River is flooding at Circleville

    Flows above 99th percentile
    dozens of streamflow gauges are recording 99th percentile, updates in progress:
    Lake Erie basin:
    • Maumee River is high near Defiance
    • Auglaize River is high near Defiance
    • Ottawa River is high at University of Toledo
    • Tymochtee Creek is high at Crawford
    • Cuyahoga River is high at Hiram Rapids, Old Portage and Independence
    • Grand River is high at Painesville
    • Conneaut Creek is high at Conneaut
    • Chagrin River is high at Willoughby
    Mississippi basin:
    • Zimber Ditch is high at North Canton
    • Nimishillen Creek is flowing high at North Industry
    • Middle Branch Nimishillen Creek is flowing high at Canton
    • Sandy Creek is high at Waynesburg
    • Loramie Creek is high at Lockington
    • Great Miami River is high at Taylorsville and Miamisburg
    • Stillwater River is high at Pleasantville
    See blue tags on the map for updated flow and gauge height, in progress.

    Drought and low flow from the USGS WaterWatch seven-day average streamflow compared with historic streamflow
    0 USGS gauges recording low flow No part of Ohio is rated with any degree of drought.

    WTOH.us tracks current streamflow conditions with an eye to the impacts on drinking water supply and quality in 32 watersheds of the state's 5 drainage basins. Check the watershed layer on the map to see the high and low streamflows that may be impacting drinking water water in Ohio today.

    As sourced from USGS Waterwatch Current Streamflow


    What is the difference between a Flood Watch and a Flood Warning issued by the National Weather Service?
    • Flash Flood Warning: Take Action! A Flash Flood Warning is issued when a flash flood is imminent or occurring. If you are in a flood prone area move immediately to high ground. A flash flood is a sudden violent flood that can take from minutes to hours to develop. It is even possible to experience a flash flood in areas not immediately receiving rain.

    • Flood Warning: Take Action! 

      A Flood Warning is issued when the hazardous weather event is imminent or already happening. A Flood Warning is issued when flooding is imminent or occurring.

    • Flood Advisory: Be Aware:

      A Flood Advisory is issued when a specific weather event that is forecast to occur may become a nuisance.

      A Flood Advisory is issued when flooding is not expected to be bad enough to issue a warning. However, it may cause significant inconvenience, and if caution is not exercised, it could lead to situations that may threaten life and/or property.

    • Flood Watch: Be Prepared:

      • A Flood Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for a specific hazardous weather event to occur.
      • Flood Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for flooding. It does not mean flooding will occur, but it is possible.

      Be prepared, stay safe through flood events

      Did you know
      • 6 inches deep moving water can knock an adult down
      • 12 inches deep flowing water can carry a car away!
      • (From ready.gov)

        Stay safe during flood events, watch for flood alerts in your area, here in BLACK.

        Avoid driving into flooded areas, and take caution trying to drive out of a flood zone.

        Avoid using bridges over high flowing rivers.

        If possible, move to higher ground, get uphill, or move to a higher floor in your building or home,

        leaving yourself an exit to the roof if necessary. Do not become trapped in an attic!


        Keep dry food, bottled water, flashlight and extra batteries, cell phone charger packed in go bags for all of your household and pets.

        Have flotation devices accessible for every member of your household in case you need to evacuate on foot.


        If you must drive to get out of a flood zone,

        have a high-quality window breaking/seatbelt cutting device in your vehicle, secured to your rearview mirror for fast retrieval.

        You may not be able to reach your car’s glove box in an emergency situation.

        The contents of seat and door storage compartments and center console may become displaced in an emergency,

        causing you to lose track of items that are not secured.


        Even if your vehicle has rolled or tipped over, as long as you are still belted in, you should be able to reach the rear-view mirror to retrieve your emergency tool.

        Keep your seatbelt on until the vehicle has made impact with the water body.  It will often float on the surface for a short time.

        There is time to get out through an open side window.  Act calmly, deliberately and quickly, without hesitation.


        Use your tool to cut your seatbelt if the buckle will not release in the normal way.

        Use your window breaking device toward a corner of your side window to break the safety glass. 

        Attempting to break the window at the center may not work.

        Windshields and rear windows are reinforced and will not break as easily as the side windows.

        If your vehicle is in any danger of becoming submerged, you need to get out before it goes underwater.

        Submerged vehicles may roll over or invert underwater, disorienting you and others inside. 


        Get familiar with your local streams and rivers, know your normal flow levels and check the USGS Waterwatch Current Streamflow for the real time flow volume and depth.

        Find the monitoring sites upstream and downstream nearest your home and sign up for high flow alerts.


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