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A fresh look at Lake Erie HAB
Toledo - Rosedale Ave BWA

Water news for Sunday, February 25, 2024 1225 pm EST

Drinking Water Advisories
City of Toledo issued a boil advisory for parts of Rosedale Avenue Friday. The BWA applies to ratepayers connecting the in the area bounded by Rosedale Ave from Monroe St to S. Cove Blvd., including Parkview Ave from Monroe St to Rosedale Ave, Monroe St from S. Cove Blvd. to 3533 Monroe St including 1557 S. Cove Blvd. The advisory will expire on Feb. 26 at 5 p.m.

Harmful Algal Bloom HAB Update
The latest image captured by satellite is dated Feb 24, partially cloud obscured and snapped at a very high surface wind speed 24.1 mph. Visible is Maumee Bay up the west shoreline and three miles into open water off Michigan shoreline, we have a clear view of significant HAB activity south of Detroit, and a small localized bloom off shore near Monroe. About five miles north of Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge a widespread HAB is visible in the open water along the edge of a cloud bank.

A clear view of the Ohio shore starting around Camp Perry shows localized HABs along shore west of Port Clinton and east of Catawba Island. A clear view of Sandusky Bay includes all of the islands across the international border to the Canadian shore. The clear view extends to the edge of the frame at Vermilion-on-the-Lake. Here we see localized HAB activity in the inner Sandusky Bay north shore, along the northwest shores of Isle St George, Middle Bass and South Bass islands where wind could be piling the HAB material along the shores. Localized HABs appear on the east shore of Kelleys island, and along mainland shore near Vermilion-on-the-Lake. All HABs match the concentration 100 thousand cells per 100 ml.

Streamflow Situation from USGS Waterwatch based on real-time flow monitors across Ohio
Normal streamflows dominate the landscape of Ohio both sides of the divide Sunday with four stations below normal and four much below normal in the entire network.

South of the state divide, Loramie Creek is back below normal over the weekend in the Upper Great Miami River watershed. Downstream, Sevenmile Creek is registering much below normal at Camden. In the Scioto River basin in Central Ohio, a tributary of the Paint River is signalling a below normal flow. In the Upper Ohio minor tributaries, Mahoning River watershed, Eagle Creek is rated below normal at Phalanx.

For the Lake Erie-bound streamflows, much below normal ratings appear in the Sandusky and Huron River watersheds. To the east, Cuyahoga River has two stations rated below normal.

A large storm system is tracking in, expecting to hit Ohio Tuesday and Wednesday. More to follow.

Drought map from USGS Waterwatch 7-day average streamflow compared with historic flow for today's date
All areas of severe and moderate drought have lifted off Ohio over the weekend, leaving watersheds on both sides of the divide at below normal. St. Marys River watershed has come off the drought map entirely, a large shift from severe drought condition reported Friday.

For the Lake Erie basin, Ashtabula-Chagrin watershed has stepped down from a severe drought rating on Thursday to no longer rated on Sunday. Remaining on the drought map below normal we have Grand River and Cuyahoga River watersheds. To the west in the Lake Erie drainage area, Blanchard, Auglaize and Lower Maumee remain below normal.

South of the height-of-land, Ohio River minor tributaries Mahoning, Shenango River and Little Beaver Creek watershed remain below normal over the weekend. Wheeling Creek, Shade Creek are off the drought map. Raccoon-Symmes, Brush Whiteoak and Laughery minor tributaries remain rated below normal.

For the east interior area, Muskingum River basin's Mohican River, Licking River and Wills Creek watersheds remain below normal. Little Muskingum River watershed is cleared off the map Sunday, a big down-shift from moderate drought Friday. Remaining for the Scioto River basin, Paint Creek, Lower Scioto and Tygarts are still rated below normal. For the Great Miami basin, both Upper and Lower Great Miami River watersheds are rated below normal Sunday.

The height-of-land divide in Ohio runs from Mercer County in the west angling northeast up to Ashtabula County on the east state border. Streamflows north of the divide feed Lake Erie, flows south of the divide run to the Ohio River, part of the Mississippi River basin that drains the majority of interior North America to the Gulf of Mexico.

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